- 林玠廷 Lin, Chieh-Ting
學 歷
- Imperial College London, Department of Materails, PhD (2016-11~2020-04)
- Imperial College London London, Unite Kingdom, MRes.,Chemistry (2015-10~2016-10)
- National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan, B.S., Chemical Engineering (2009-09~2014-08)
研 究 領 域
- 鈣鈦礦太陽能電池
- 有機太陽能電池
- 薄膜製程
- 光化學
經 歷
- Gwangju institute of science and technology, Research Associate ( 2020-11 ~ 2021-07 )
- Imperial College London London, Unite Kingdom, Research assistant/Research Associate ( 2020-02 ~ 2020-08 )
- Imperial College London London, Unite Kingdom, Phd.,Materials ( 2016-11 ~ 2020-04 )
- Imperial College London London, Unite Kingdom, MRes.,Chemistry (Degree with distinction) ( 2015-10 ~ 2016-10 )
- Osaka University Osaka, Japan, B.S., Chemical Engineering (Frontier Lab Program) ( 2014-04 ~ 2014-08 )
- Temple University Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A, B.S., Chemistry (Exchange Program) ( 2013-08 ~ 2013-12 )
- National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan, B.S., Chemical Engineering ( 2009-09 ~ 2014-08 )
獲 獎 項 目
- 國科會2030新秀學者 (2023)
- 教育部玉山學者計畫行政支援費學者 (2021)
- 傑出新進教師 (2021)